Simple… But Never Easy

I woke up this morning; Just on the other side of an event I have been shamelessly obsessedregistration with for the past few months… Emotionally, I experienced so many ups and downs (on a day to day basis).  Swerving and dodging to many contributing factors while ultimately holding onto my message that I wanted to present to this group of women.

When I woke up; I couldn’t help the humbling feeling of gratitude.

So much time has passed since I myself, felt hopeless and lost in the world. I wasn’t always wanting to empower others. I could barely even hold myself together let alone, carry any sort of message forward.
I remember most of all (during what would of been the darkest time in my life), putting a sign that really spoke to me that said…

“Life is Simple, but no one ever said it was to be easy”

At that point, what that phrase meant to me was; “What are you doing to get back on your feet this morning?”. Surrounded by people that enabled my behaviours to cover their own…  Also featuring many (many!) regrettable mornings from acting like a fool to impress people that I shouldn’t of cared for.
What this phrase meant to me back then was; forget the repetitive mistakes I was making and pick myself up one more time and carry on to the best of my ability.

girl on a beach soul searchingNow, with about 4 years distance between those moments. Mixed with a spice of soul searching and a renewed journey of love for myself and those around me – what this means to me NOW is;
No matter what life throws at me, I will persevere.

You see, no matter where you are in your life. If you are going through a steep learning curve, or barely hanging on. This rule will keep you in good stead because life is not easy – for anyone.
At different times in our life we get hit unexpectedly with circumstances. We are born into difficulties. World wide we see poverty, war, racism, discrimination…
Its not the circumstance that makes the man, its the way he views it.  Just remember why you are doing the things you are doing on a daily basis for & you can conjure the energy to put one more step in front of the other.

Are you simplifying? Or complicating?

Take a birds eye view and try and relay a few simple rules for what you are wanting to get out of today. If all you need to do today is;

Walk outsideGo for a walk and get out of the house – than go for a walk.
If you need to go to work – than go to work.
If you need to study for an exam – than study.
If you need to get more clients for your business – than go meet some people.
If you need to learn to forgive – than start learning from those who have had to as well.

The end result of these simple activities is where the difficulty may arise, but I promise you – it is more difficult to think about it than to actually do it.

So whatever you have planned for your life remember this one thing “Life is Simple, but no one ever promised it to be easy”

With Love,


Empowered Entrepreneurial Women Karina McKenna

6 thoughts on “Simple… But Never Easy

  1. Male or Female your words are soul healing. Karina you are truly inspiring and it makes me happy when you post. Please keep expressing because we are hearing you!!!!!

  2. Very true post. In order to move forward, we must do the task at hand, even if it’s difficult or boring or frustrating. What you said also reminded me of the quote ‘Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle’.

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