Keep On, Keepin’ On

Screen Shot 2013-05-29 at 3.39.30 PMLooking back on the past 12 months. You know what life has taught me?
— When you don’t quit, you get given your hearts desire —  

When you commence a new job, a new sports team or even when you start dating, it feels a little awkward at first. That is a given!
To start – You don’t have any conceivable idea as to where your strengths lie. You don’t know who you are going to be in the eyes of the people staring back at you, or  even how long it is even going to last. One thing we do know though is;
If you don’t quit – the uncomfortable becomes comfortable. The awkwardness turns into habit and it is second nature so long as we nurture it!

So…. How much do you nurture it?
Let me start by asking a question to answer the question:
How good do you want to be at it? How successful do you really want to be in your chosen field?

I watch people weekly; quit.
In business, in their personal lives. They throw in the ‘too hard basket’ and jump from career’s, partners, higher powers and leisure activities.

I’m not sure where the sense of entitlement has come from, but let me clear one thing up;
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If you want something – you have to go after it! You have to hurt a little before you reap the benefits of it. You have to MOLD into that person, that identity that you are trying to create for yourself.

Change is not easy.
By default I could: work my job, go home to my husband and lay on the couch only to get up to go back to work.
It takes persistence with a dash of courage to continue to tear down the walls of comfortability!
To get up earlier to exercise or meditate, plan ahead so you make healthier eating choices during the day, to build your business outside of the 9-5.
Consistently, I am learning new things, new concepts, new ideas. It is a necessity if you want more out of life.

Success, in anything does not come down to luck! You have to be out there generating activity before ‘luck’ takes place. Ever heard someone say ‘Right Place, Right Time?” Well how did they get to the right place to start off with?

Timing + Effort = Reward

Bottom line is, if you do not quit & you keep an open heart and mind. You will succeed.
The world does not owe us.
We are highly capable to change our circumstances.
Our life today is made from the acts you started taking 18 months ago – So, what have you started 18 months ago that caught up to you today?

If we can transform ourselves, we have the potential to change the world.
– Laura van Dernoot Lipsky –

Never quit. Keep go after your goals, passionately.

With Love, Express